Author: Gordon Kubanek Genre: Children There is a special love between children and their grandparents. This deceptively simple story of an old farmer and his granddaughter will catch you by surprise. This friendship between a tree stump, a lonely grandfather and his chatty granddaughter will melt the hardest heart. The best thing to do after reading this story is for every parent or grandparent and grandchild to give each other the biggest bear hug imaginable, and then go outside to hug a tree, together. This beautifully illustrated story is geared for children ages 6-9 but will warm the heart of everybody who feels that every moment with their child is precious. Is there a message in this heartfelt tale? While life has loss, more importantly, it has love and the joy of sharing. As you enjoy this special time in your life with your young child remember that "Forever is a short time." Reviewer: Winnie Thomas The Teacup Tree by Gordon Kubanek is a lovely, tender tale based on a true story. It’s a story of grandparents and grandchildren growing loving bonds and enjoying life’s experiences together. The suggested reading age is 6-9 years, but I’m sure younger children would love having it read to them. Vividly illustrated by Katerina Mertikas, it also makes a beautiful picture book to enjoy. The picture at the end of the book of the actual teacup tree with the author’s favorite teacup on it is an added bonus and fun touch. I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from the author through Interviews and Reviews. All opinions are my own.
carmen hust
5/11/2022 03:59:00 pm
the story brought tears to me eyes, but tears for the appreciation of the beauty of living.
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