Author: Dorothy Adamek Genre: Historical Romance Series: Blue Wren Shallows #2 Inspired by the incredible true story of an Australian shipwreck and those who survived to tell the tale. When the Black Swallow sinks off the Australian coast in 1877, Australian midshipman Tom Darley rescues English passenger Ada Carmichael from the disaster that claims her entire family. News of the only two survivors enchants the world, but Ada needs to hide before secrets and old foes find her. Tom is chasing big dreams of a crumbling house he will convert into a small hotel ~ but the promising start he’s acquired now sits at the bottom of the sea. Inexplicably entangled, Ada and Tom lean upon each other to make sense of the tragedy that’s displaced them. But when scheming journalists observe their affection they drag Tom into life-altering riches and a news-worthy romance he cannot resist. So he arranges for Ada’s protection where only he might find her ~ the quiet Phillip Island farm of his friends Shadrach and Finella Jones. And that’s where real trouble finds them. When heroic promises fail to shelter, and love refuses to be silenced, only surrender will pluck Ada and Tom from where life has wrecked them. Reviewer: Laura J. Davis I have never read a book by Dorothy Adamek before and, to be honest, had never heard of her. Rest assured, after reading Carry Me Away, she has a new fan in me and someone pleased to promote her books. Based on a true story of a shipwreck off the coast of Australia, the author wondered what happened to the only two people who survived the sinking. It was, according to her research, something everyone was talking about during the day. With many wondering if the two survivors would fall in love and spend the rest of their lives together. Adamek took that belief of the day and created characters who will stay with you long after you finish the last page. Tom Darley seemed too good to be true, and in a way, he was. Not only does he heroically save Ada Carmichael from the sea, at considerable risk to his own life, but he continues to rescue her in little ways throughout the story. Ada, like the silkworms in the story, struggles to survive in a world without her family. All while dealing with horrendous guilt from the life she fled in England. This possible backstory of the two true-life survivors kept me riveted and somewhat disappointed that it wasn't what really happened. I far prefer the author's story over the real-life characters and what happened to them. Much more interesting! The theme of trust and especially trusting in God again after you have experienced significant loss is evident throughout this book. If you are a fan of Historical Romance, remember the name - Dorothy Adamek - a new author favourite for me to be sure! Reviewer: Linda Klager The cover depicted how Ada Carmichael was drawn to the sea even though tragedy struck her. She was always looking for anything that would wash up from the wreck of the Black Swallow. Tom also had to deal with loss when the Black Swallow sank. The two main characters each had much tragedy in their lives and it took time and love to work through these horrific events. To me Ada had more to deal with than did Tom. The book brought out bullying in the 19th century. That type of behavior is still going on in the 21st century. This bullying made the whole family suffer. They went on a courageous journey from England to Australia. I learned a lot about how silkworms create their beauty. I could see the similarities with Ada and her fears and how the silkworms had to work their way free. Ada had to face her fears head on so that she could be free. The author has a wonderful way with words. I especially liked when Tom said to Ada, "Carry Away Me." That is an interesting play on the title of the book. I also enjoyed the story of Finella and Shadrach. What a loving couple! I want to read their story from book 1 of this series. Reviewer: Winnie Thomas With richly painted settings and colorful, engaging characters, Dorothy Adamek carried me away to far off Australia in her new book. Her beautiful, poetic prose and creative story based on a true occurrence swept me right in and kept me enthralled. Tom Darley is a perfect caring, courageous, though broken hero. I loved how considerate he was of Ada and her grief. The heroine, Ada Carmichael, showed such great courage and determination in making a new life for herself after losing everything. Adamek is a master at revealing the story layer by layer to keep interest high. There’s a little bit of everything in this tale—adventure, suspense, intrigue, romance, history, and inspiration. It’s a story of redemption, healing, courage, and trust that won’t soon be forgotten. Although Carry Me Away is part of a series, it can stand alone. Characters from Adamek’s first book, Carry Me Home, make appearances in this one. I’m looking forward to reading more from this author. I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from the author/publisher. All opinions are my own. Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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