![]() Today, we have a young teen author stopping by Interviews & Reviews. Nicki Chapelway is fifteen years old and self-published a fantasy novel called A Week of Werewolves, Faeries, and Fancy Dresses one year after she finished writing it. She enjoys reading, writing, swimming when she can, and fan-girling (in other words: obsessing over other peoples' stories almost as much as her own). She also enjoys watching TV. Her favorite movies and TV shows include: Doctor Who, Avengers, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Nicki currently resides in Ohio with her family of eight and two dogs, Rylie and Zoey. She is now working on the next books in the My Time in Amar series- when she's not distracted by other stories (both hers and others). Nicki, welcome to Interviews & Reviews! ![]() How long have you been writing? I tried writing when I was a very little girl, and failed in epic proportions my only story being The Princess in the Sewer, so I gave it up for a while. I started writing again when I was eleven, but then it was only a hobby. I didn't start seriously writing until I was fourteen and I started my first book A Week of Werewolves, Faeries, and Fancy Dresses. What is your latest book about? The latest story I've been working on is a Sci-Fi adventure about a band of misfits who have to work for the government in an attempt to save the galaxy. Assuming they don't kill each other first, that is. It's extremely fun and I love the character dynamics. What inspired you to write this book? Um, a lot of things. I can't remember what gave me the idea originally whether it was watching Rogue One or Guardians of the Galaxy but whichever it was, that's what inspired me to write it. After I had the idea, I wrote it down and promptly forgot it until I watched Rogue One again some years later. It's also heavily inspired by the TV show Fringe. Plus I've not written a Sci-Fi yet so I thought, why not? How do you work a Christian element into a fantasy/sci-fi story? I try to keep the Christian elements in my story subtle. Something so inter-layered into the plot that you would have to look pretty hard to find it. The main theme I would say are the consequences of lying or keeping things from people, but it's not like I go out and state it. I simply show what happens to the characters when this happens. I don't consider adding werewolves and faeries into my book to be any different than, say, giving your character a sibling or making it so that they have only one parent. It's simply a plot device. Personally, myself, I have no problem with magical and fantastical creatures and characters. So I didn't make any particular attempt to intertwine that element with the Christian elements so as to cancel it out. Those two elements simply coexist. Do you have any other books in the works? Oh boy, the short answer to that question is: yes, yes I do. The slightly longer, but still abridged, answer to that question is that I am currently working on five stories- writing three and editing two- and I have a whole lot more waiting to be written. A whole lot. What books do you enjoy reading? I enjoy reading what I write. Clean YA- specifically fantasy. Though I'm open to any speculative fiction genre, for instance I have become very interested in Sci-Fi of late. What are your favourite types of movies? Action Adventure movies with a trace of weird, a smidgen of romance, a whole lot of peril, and normally a creepy aspect or two. For instance I really like Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, Jurassic World, and the Mummy. It can be any genre but I generally prefer movies with those elements. Do you talk to your characters? *Cough* maybe *cough*. Mainly it's to apologize for some of the horrible things I put them through. Though sometimes, when I am figuring out a dialogue, I pretend that I am one of my characters and I will find myself having a one sided conversation with my imagination. Then people walk in and think I'm crazy... which is pretty accurate. What authors have inspired your own writing? Any author who I've enjoyed the story of will inspire me at least a little bit. But my main inspirations were probably Rick Riordan, Janette Rallison, and Ally Carter. For their humor, relatable characters, and shippable romances. And Carter and Rallison especially for their *cough* inspiring male leads. Yup, that's exactly what I was going to say- no way was I about to say swoon worthy heroes... Thank you for sharing with us about your writing journey Nicki. I hope God continues to guide you in your writing as you grow in Him. For those of you who are sci-fi/fantasy fans and if you are living in the U.S. Nicki wants to bless you with a free copy of her book. Fill out the form below to enter! Contest closes May 9, 2018. This Contest is Now Closed![]() Chelsea Welling is a completely normal fifteen year old girl… well normal except for the pesky fact that she thinks she is going crazy. Either that or she really is being transported to a magical world known locally as Amar. However when Chelsea is transported to Amar with her friend Easton, she knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that these little trips are more than figments of her imagination. Then the unthinkable happens. Chelsea, Easton, Chelsea's brother Clint, and their mutual friend Bobby are all stranded in Amar. They cannot return to Earth until they finish a dangerous quest that their fathers set out on over twenty years ago. Chelsea is in for one trying week as she flees from werewolves, faces down faeries, and fits into fancy dresses- all while she struggles alongside her friends to fulfill the all-but-impossible tasks of finding out what the quest their fathers set out on was, and succeeding where their fathers failed. Leave a Reply. |
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